All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Activities

September 15th, 2021

New this year! Alpine French School welcomes you, children & parents, during all school holidays!

Why not visit Morzine during the next half-term holiday and enjoy learning French as well as enjoying the great mountain activities that Morzine has to offer!   New, this year (2021 – 2022), we offer family French day camps in the school holidays : October half-term, Christmas & New Year,…

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French Courses this December and January

We all have heavy hearts about the decisions made by the French government this last week to keep resorts, bars and restaurants closed until January 2021.  The situation is complicated and we understand the decisions but these will have a huge impact on Morzine, the Alps and the ski industry.…

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March 23rd, 2020

10 ways to improve your French while self-isolating during Covid-19 lockdown

We are all experiencing a situation that we could never have imagined with the worldwide pandemic of the new Coronavirus Covid-19.  Most of us around the world are now either on lockdown or self-isolating or social distancing but whatever term you use to describe it and whichever the specific measures…

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November 26th, 2019

French Courses in France for Teenagers

It isn’t a secret that the teenage years can be a complicated time…especially in this day and age!  Many teenagers study French at school but don’t really see the point in studying it and the majority aren’t very motivated or inspired.  This is somewhat normal when they are learning French…

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October 5th, 2019

Winter French Courses

I know we don’t all want to wish the summer away, but with the weather like it is at the moment there is definitely a chill in the air. And did you know there are less than 100 days until Christmas?   Have you already started to browse the internet…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.