All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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January 21st, 2019

French Summer Camp in France: the activities 2019 6-10 years

We tailor the activities at our summer camps to suit all ages so we have a schedule of amazing extra curricular things for the younger children to do as well as the teenagers. This means that as well as learning a language at our French Summer Camp, the children also…

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January 19th, 2019

French Summer Camp in France: the activities 2019 11-17 years

Mention a French Summer Camp to your child and you might get a roll of the eyes, a groan and the word boring might even crop up. We understand that spending time learning French during the school holidays might not be top of your teenagers agenda, however this is no…

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January 19th, 2019

Why Morzine is a great place for a French Summer Camp 

  There are language summer camps all over the world that offer amazing experiences for children, so what’s special about ours? Why choose us? Without doubt our location in the beautiful Alpine town of Morzine is one of the main reasons to book a place for your child this summer.…

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January 17th, 2019

French Intensive Courses February 2019

Are you working here for the season and free from 9h-11h or 16h-18h? Or maybe you are a non-skier visiting Morzine with family and friends on a skiing holiday? Or perhaps you fancy improving your French and would like to visit Morzine and combine this with a skiing holiday? If…

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January 17th, 2019

5 reasons to learn French in 2019

It’s the start of a new year, the time when we all think about our futures and how to make the next year a good one. It’s the perfect opportunity to do something new and exciting with your life and we think we have the perfect idea for you. Why…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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