All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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April 14th, 2019

Foods that help your brain when learning french

If we were to put on our trainers and run a marathon we wouldn’t just go to the start line and start running. We’d put in some training and we’d certainly consider what foods we would need to eat to help our body get to the finish line. Learning french…

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April 12th, 2019

Tips to help you improve your focus when doing an intensive french course

If you’ve decided to sign up to one of our intensive french courses this spring and summer and are hoping it’ll make a real difference to your french then we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. We have courses running throughout June, July and August and we’re confident that by the…

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April 11th, 2019

Looking for something to do now winter is over…Why not try learning French?

Spending a winter in a ski resort like Morzine is pretty fantastic but it can also be extremely hard work. Whichever area you’ve been working in for the last 5 months it’s likely you haven’t had time for much else. Whether you’ve been hosting in a chalet, working as a…

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April 3rd, 2019

Why Morzine is better than anywhere else in the world to do an intensive French course

It’s a big claim, but we’re going to make it. We think Morzine is THE place in the world to do an intensive french course. Obviously the world is a big place and we haven’t been able to 100% verify our claim but we have some very solid supporting evidence……

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March 31st, 2019

Why learning a language makes you feel young again

French lessons at Alpine French School won’t just help you learn a new language, there are loads of other benefits you’ll notice when signing up on one of our courses. One of the lesser known facts about learning a language is that it’ll actually make you feel younger. Yes. Younger…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.