All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

May 28th, 2019

What shall we do with the kids this summer?

So who else has just realised that next week it’s June?! That means summer is just around the corner………. which means school summer holidays are nearly here!!!! HELP! What shall we do with the kids this summer? DON’T PANIC! Alpine French School have thought of it all, covered every base,…

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May 27th, 2019

Give your French a boost before the summer with our June French Intensive Courses!

If you have a little spare time before the summer season kicks off, now could be the time to work on your French a little and give it a bit of a boost! We are running Intensive Courses throughout the month of June for all levels. Courses run in the…

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May 26th, 2019

Meet the teachers: Lucile

As the end of the inter-season in Morzine comes to an end, we’re gearing up to launch all of our fantastic new courses for the summer term, including French intensive courses for all levels, private classes and weekly group lessons. We’re also putting the finishing touches to our amazing French…

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May 7th, 2019

Meet the teachers: Our French Summer Camp tutor, Celine!

If you’re thinking of sending your child on our French Summer Camp or have already enrolled for this year’s camp then you’re sure to meet our teacher, Celine. Celine is heavily involved with the teaching at the camp and with her infectious smile and unwavering enthusiasm she’s always super popular…

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May 2nd, 2019

Summer 2019 Weekly French Lessons

So the winter season has come to a close in Morzine and Summer is on it’s way. People are starting to think about the summer and make plans so it’s time to get organised for our Summer Weekly Group French Lessons! The essential info: – 10 weeks – 1h30 per…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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