All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

September 23rd, 2021

Affordable private French lessons using tax credits

Alpine French School now offers ‘Services à la Personne’ which means that you can use tax credits to get 50% off your French lessons.  We are pleased to be able to offer affordable high quality French (& English) lessons for people living in the local area. There is no paperwork…

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September 15th, 2021

New this year! Alpine French School welcomes you, children & parents, during all school holidays!

Why not visit Morzine during the next half-term holiday and enjoy learning French as well as enjoying the great mountain activities that Morzine has to offer!   New, this year (2021 – 2022), we offer family French day camps in the school holidays : October half-term, Christmas & New Year,…

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September 15th, 2021

Conversation Classes 10€ per hour!

Being able to have a conversation in French is most people’s number one motivation to take French lessons. Why not take advantage of our special offer and get started with 5 hours’ conversation course for just 50€ ! Elementary level: 21st September – 19th October 2021 Tuesdays: 11h00-12h00   Intermediate…

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September 1st, 2021

Weekly French Courses including our popular Citizenship course

We’re pleased to share with you our calendar for our French group courses including our French Citizenship course. If you’re keen to work on your French in a group environment, here are the details of our upcoming group courses.   WEEKLY COURSES  1h30 per week over 10 weeks   Levels:…

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August 9th, 2021

Pass Sanitaire

As you will be aware, France has put into place a Pass Sanitaire to try and limit the spread of Covid. As a business that is open to the public, the law states that all of our staff and all our clients must show a Pass Sanitaire every time they…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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