All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: News

June 3rd, 2019

The Summer Mountain Bike Season is here!

So who else loves Summer in Morzine as much as Winter? Hands up! ME :) I was lucky enough to be able to join the crowds this weekend for the first lift openings of the Mountain bike season in Les Gets….. and what a weekend on the trails we all…

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May 26th, 2019

Meet the teachers: Lucile

As the end of the inter-season in Morzine comes to an end, we’re gearing up to launch all of our fantastic new courses for the summer term, including French intensive courses for all levels, private classes and weekly group lessons. We’re also putting the finishing touches to our amazing French…

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May 7th, 2019

Meet the teachers: Our French Summer Camp tutor, Celine!

If you’re thinking of sending your child on our French Summer Camp or have already enrolled for this year’s camp then you’re sure to meet our teacher, Celine. Celine is heavily involved with the teaching at the camp and with her infectious smile and unwavering enthusiasm she’s always super popular…

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May 1st, 2019

Meet the teachers: Justine

We know that taking the plunge and signing up for French lessons can be quite intimidating. Perhaps you’re scared about going “back to school” or are worried you won’t enjoy the classes. Perhaps you’re also unsure of what course to sign up for. We offer a variety including French intensive…

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April 30th, 2019

Surviving Game of Thrones in France

Everybody’s talking about Game of Thrones. And after watching season 8, episode 3 it’s no wonder! Don’t worry, there are no spoilers here. This is simply a guide to help you if you’re going to the pub this week and think you might get caught up in a discussion about…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.