All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Juniors

September 24th, 2020

Children’s French Lessons for locals

Alpine French School can help if you are looking for help with your child’s French and from autumn 2020 we are pleased to offer reduced rates for local children and free Facebook live sessions! Watch our Facebook page for more info in the coming week!   Pricing 1h lesson =…

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April 28th, 2020

French Online Courses Via Skype, Zoom, Whatsapp or Facetime

2020 is a strange year so far….it started off ok but with the distant news of a new Coronavirus and within 3 months, our worlds were turned upside down.  With a large part of the world’s population in lockdown or quarantine, we have had to adapt to new working conditions,…

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January 17th, 2020

Discover and Inspire Summer Camp in English for local expat children

As part of our Summer Camp 2020, Alpine French School is launching a new part of the camp aimed at English-speaking families living in the Morzine area. The Idea The idea is for children to discover the answers to the type of questions they ask about the world around them…

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December 22nd, 2019

French Immersion Courses in France

If you are looking for a French Immersion Course in France, then it can be hard to know where to start!  There are a lot of different French Immersion courses on offer…….first of all, are you looking for a French Immersion Camp for teens or teenagers or a French Immersion…

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November 26th, 2019

French Courses in France for Teenagers

It isn’t a secret that the teenage years can be a complicated time…especially in this day and age!  Many teenagers study French at school but don’t really see the point in studying it and the majority aren’t very motivated or inspired.  This is somewhat normal when they are learning French…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.