All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Student feedback

We ask students on all of our courses to tell us what they think about our courses so we can be sure we’re getting it right!  Today, we have some comments from students who have taken intensive, private intensive and private lessons with Alpine French School this year. First of all, we have a few words in French by Andrew Stewart who has been studying at Alpine French School for 16 weeks!


Why did you decide to take a French Intensive Course with Alpine French School?

Pour que je puisse améliorer mon français


Do you live in Morzine or are you visiting the area? If you are visiting, why did you choose Morzine?

Je passe la saison ici. J’ai choisi Morzine parce que j’essaie réussir mes examens de moniteur de ski.


What is your profession?

Je suis directeur.


How many weeks are you studying on a French Intensive Course with Alpine French School?

Seize semaines!


What do you most enjoy about taking a French Intensive Course at Alpine French School?

Les professseurs!


What is your teacher like?



Have you tried any activities in Morzine such as skiing or snowboarding?

Bien sûr, je fais du ski quotidien


What do you do to try and speak French outside of the classroom?

Je parle aux serveurs dans les restos et dans les magasins, je parle aussi en français avec ma femme.


Is there anything else you would like to add?

Bon courage et merci!


And some comments from Christine Clegg, a student who took a private intensive course with Alpine French School….


What did you think about the general climate in the classroom and the school?

Excellent, a very happy atmosphere.


Do you think the French Intensive course met your expectations?

Yes most definitely.  Lucile made it so enjoyable with the use of different teaching methods – cards, riddles, games etc and all grammar points were fully explained.


What did you find the most useful during your French Intensive Course?

For me it was the one to one lessons in Lucile as part of my Private French Intensive Course.


What are your suggestions, if any, or changes that would improve this course?

Nothing, I think the school has got things right.

The teachers are the best!  Go to Alpine French School!


Thinking of taking a French course at the Alpine French School? Here is what your week will look like!

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Summer Courses (in person!) at Alpine French School

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Seasonnaire Courses for the start of the season

At Alpine French School, we are here to help local businesses at this complicated time. We are offering an 8 hour winter-season ‘crash’ course which targets the language you and your staff will need for the particularities of this season: Monday 28th December (4pm-6pm) – Thursday 31st December (11am-1pm) at Alpine…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.