All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.

Special Offer on French Intensive Courses and French Mini Intensive Courses!


Book now to take advantage of a special offer on our French Intensive Courses and French Mini-Intensive Courses from 29th May – 2nd June and 5th – 9th June 2017!


French Intensive Courses are a great way to boost your French in a short space of time! Study for 3 hours per day Monday to Friday and fit in 15 hours of French into just one week. This is the same amount of hours as in a 10-week course of weekly lessons so it is an effective way to make quick progress in a short space of time :)


Our French Mini Intensive Courses are designed for people who would like to take a full Intensive Course but can’t fit this into their week. Many of us have work and family commitments that make 3 hours of French per day a bit too much to squeeze in! So we came up with the idea of our Mini-Intensive course which is 1.5 hours per day, Monday to Friday which makes a total of 7.5 hours of French in just a week. Still intensive and still a good way to give you French a boost during the quieter interseason time!


29th May – 2nd June:

Elementary Level Intensive or Mini-Intensive Course


5th – 9th June:

Elementary Level Intensive or Mini-Intensive Course

Beginner Plus Level Mini-Intensive Course



Elementary (A2) Level means that you learn how to use most verbs in the present and start looking at how to speak in the past.


Beginner Plus (A1.2) Level means that you know a few words and can order in bars and restaurants but need to start from near the beginning


Full Intensive Course: 250€ reduced from 300€


Mini-Intensive Course: 125€ reduced from 160€


Please email us on if you are interested.


Please note that Thursday 25th May is a bank holiday in France, so our offices are closed on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th May.

Thinking of taking a French course at the Alpine French School? Here is what your week will look like!

Did you book onto an intensive winter course at our school in Morzine? Well lucky you! During our lessons, we like to focus on conversation, which is complemented by those pesky grammar points and comprehension, but the ultimate goal is to get you to be able to communicate with French…

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Things to do in Morzine in the Winter

Winter Bucket list Why visit Morzine this winter? The question should be, why NOT visit Morzine this winter? With one of the largest ski areas in Europe on its doorstep, Morzine is a gorgeous alpine town that still functions year round while welcoming huge amounts of international tourists each Winter…

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Interseason 2022 French Courses

Winter is over and the inter-season is finally here!   So why not take this down time to enrol in one of our French group courses this spring. Have a look through our online booking system below for all the courses, days and times available:   Face-to-face group courses…

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Affordable private French lessons using tax credits

Alpine French School now offers ‘Services à la Personne’ which means that you can use tax credits to get 50% off your French lessons.  We are pleased to be able to offer affordable high quality French (& English) lessons for people living in the local area. There is no paperwork…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.