All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

January 15th, 2019

5 reasons to send your child to French Summer Camp

  The summer holidays always seem to pass us by in the blink of an eye. Six weeks full of sunny days, and fantastic family holidays seem to fly by. So this year, why not make the summer holidays stand out from the rest and try something a little different?…

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Galette des Rois: King’s Cake

The Galette des Rois or the King’s Cake is traditionally eaten on the 6th January each year to celebrate the Kings visiting baby Jesus. The Galette  des Rois comes from the Roman tradition where the Romans would choose a slave to be King for the day.  The cake was baked…

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December 31st, 2018

French Social and Cultural Activities

New for 2019, Alpine French School is pleased to announce it’s French Social and Cultural Activity Programme! Students and visitors to Morzine can book on to a range of activities in French suitable for all levels of French. Monday: Introduction to Activities for the week Every Monday evening during the…

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December 18th, 2018

Winter Group French Lessons 2018-9

If you are living in Morzine for the season and want to improve your French, then why not join our weekly group lessons? Why choose Alpine French School? Courses focus on speaking, pronunciation and listening skills Native-speaker experienced, qualified, dynamic teachers 1h30 per week with plenty of time to practice…

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November 27th, 2018

An interview with one of our French students: Alpine French School Student Carolyn Fortune

Carolyn came for her Friday fun with Céline today. She is attending Weekly French Lessons at Alpine French School. The current Weekly French Lessons started in September and will run for 10 weeks every Friday for 1.5 hours. She has also just attended the French Intensive Course. The French Intensive…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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