All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

March 23rd, 2020

10 ways to improve your French while self-isolating during Covid-19 lockdown

We are all experiencing a situation that we could never have imagined with the worldwide pandemic of the new Coronavirus Covid-19.  Most of us around the world are now either on lockdown or self-isolating or social distancing but whatever term you use to describe it and whichever the specific measures…

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March 20th, 2020

Distance Learning in the times of Coronavirus Covid-19

The world is going through an unprecedented crisis at this current time with the pandemic of Covid-19 which has turned our worlds upside down…. We are all adapting to new routines, some of us are on lockdown, some of us are in quarantine, some of us are self-isolating and around…

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March 10th, 2020

Improve your French financed by the French government

Have you been meaning to improve your French and not got around to it?  Or maybe you have tried before but not made the progress you wanted?  Maybe you are thinking of working towards your French citizenship and need to improve your French?  Or perhaps speaking better French would help…

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January 31st, 2020

What’s new for 2020 at Alpine French School

What’s new for 2020! Juniors: At Alpine French School, we are continually striving to improve our service and offer new products to our customers. For our Junior Summer Camps, we have a new premises in the centre of Morzine which is a local primary school during the academic year, a perfect building in…

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January 18th, 2020

English IGCSE Courses

  Would you like to ensure that your child’s level of English is good enough to potentially study in England for higher education? Would you like something to prove your child’s level of English since they have been schooled in France? Children with English-speaking parents who are educated in France…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.