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French Easter Traditions

Discover all the French Easter Traditions. Including what the French eat - of course - but also traditional events during Easter in France.

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February 12th, 2021

French Bank Holidays

The French are well known for having more bank holidays than many other countries!  So how many do they actually have, what are they and how do bank holidays work in France…..?   French call bank holidays ‘fériés’ or ‘jours fériés’ and in France (unlike in the UK for example),…

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February 7th, 2021

French Lessons paid for by the French government

If you have been put on furlough (chômage/activité partielle), then the French government are offering to finance your French lessons.  Most sectors including mountain and tourism businesses have their training fees paid 100%. What about Business Owners and Auto-Entrepreneurs? Business owners and auto-entrepreneurs can also quality for training budgets to…

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February 5th, 2021

French Traditions: Mardi Gras

Are you ready to get dressed up or eat pancakes?  Lots of French people and people around the world celebrate Mardi Gras. But how did the name come about and what are the origins of and traditions around Mardi Gras. Mardi Gras was originally a religious festival.  It takes place…

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January 25th, 2021

French Traditions: Chandeleur

On 2nd February each year, French people celebrate La Chandeleur.  In English this is known as Candlemass. This falls 40 days after Christmas and signifies the day that Jesus was presented at the temple.  The festival was created in 472 by the Pope The name ‘Chandeleur’ comes from the candles…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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