All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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Interseason 2022 French Courses

Winter is over and the inter-season is finally here!   So why not take this down time to enrol in one of our French group courses this spring. Have a look through our online booking system below for all the courses, days and times available:   Face-to-face group courses…

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December 12th, 2021

Christmas in France – What to expect

Just like everywhere else in the world, Father Christmas (known as Père Noël or Papa Noël in France) brings gifts to children who have been well-behaved on Christmas Day. The sapin de Noël (Christmas tree) is the main decoration in homes, streets, shops, and offices. On le Réveillon (Christmas Eve),…

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December 8th, 2021

Vous or Tu : Which one do I use?!

The subject pronouns Tu and Vous can be quite confusing for English speakers when they are first learning French, considering we only have one subject pronoun to mean you in English. However, once you get your head around how to use it, you will see it’s not as difficult as…

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December 2nd, 2021

The ‘C’ Word – What are the COVID rules for French ski resorts this Winter?

  After 2 years of obeying rules and restrictions, we have all our fingers (and toes!) crossed for a normal Winter. We are excited to welcome our international students and get on the slopes! However, in order for everything to run smoothly, we all need to be sensible and continue…

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November 25th, 2021

French Courses this winter

If you’re keen to work on your French this winter, Alpine French School is running group courses for seasonnaires and locals. You can possibly get your course funded by the government if you are on a French contract and your manager approves this. The deadline to apply for the funding…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.