All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Courses

November 10th, 2015

French Intensive Course November: student feedback

We asked a couple of students taking a French Intensive Course with us this month for some feedback on what they thought about their course…. Why did you decide to take a French Intensive Course with Alpine French School? Because I need to try and speak to my neighbours at…

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November 5th, 2015

Why take a French Intensive Course in a smaller school with small group sizes?

Our French Intensive Courses at Alpine French School run in small groups or 2-8 students with our average class size being 5 students. Many language schools place students in large classes of up to 20 students. So why are smaller groups best?   We do everything we can to make…

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November 3rd, 2015

French Immersion in Luxury

If you fancy learning French and enjoying French immersion and luxury at the same time, then take a look at our latest package!   Guests can stay at Chalet Guytaune, home to a hot tub, sauna, and a French chef (for food and French language immersion!). Time is split between…

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October 26th, 2015

French Intensive Courses: from a Teacher’s Perspective!

Here at Alpine French School, we have several teachers who teach on our French Intensive Courses every week. We decided to ask them some questions about our French Intensive Courses to see how things look from their perspective!   Describe a typical day teaching a French Intensive Course at Alpine…

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October 19th, 2015

French Intensive Course: Amelia Pearson (International triathlete)

Amelia Pearson, an Australian international triathlete, is now an ongoing student of Alpine French School regularly taking French Intensive Courses with us. Read a bit more about her here:   Why did you decide to move to France? I travelled a lot when I was racing triathlons. I really enjoyed…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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