All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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December 23rd, 2015

Intensive French Course: the teachers

So when you take an Intensive Course, what are the teachers like? We spend a lot of time trying to find the best teachers as having a great teacher is so important when you are learning a language. On an Intensive French Course, you spend 15 hours a week with…

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December 19th, 2015

Intensive French Course January 2016    

Every year, the majority of people make a New Year’s resolution. For some people, the resolution is to learn a language or to improve their language skills. For many of you, especially if you are reading our blog, then this may well be French! This resolution will take continued commitment…

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December 17th, 2015

What are the benefits of taking a French Intensive Course & Intensive Language Study?

When you decide to learn French, there are many options available to you. You can study at home with the help of books, CDs and the internet or even apps nowadays. There is also the option of attending a French evening class or a weekly French conversation group. However some…

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December 13th, 2015

Who attends our French Intensive Courses?

This is a common question that we asked by students looking to book a French Intensive Course with us. It is natural that people want to know more about the people they will be studying with on their French Intensive Course, so we try to answer these questions as thoroughly…

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What’s it like to take a French Intensive Course during the ski season?

If it is the winter (December – April) and you are looking at taking a French Intensive Course, then taking a French Intensive Course in a ski resort is a great idea and one that it growing in popularity! Traditionally, summer was the busiest time for people to come to France…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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