All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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January 8th, 2016

GCSE and A-level preparation courses

Perfect for families with 15-18 year old children visiting Morzine during school holiday times Group and private tuition options available Times arranged around skiing so that families can do both Courses are run by a native French teacher who qualified in the UK and has a wealth of experience of…

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January 6th, 2016

Why send your children to a French Summer Camp?

In some cultures, sending children to a Summer Camp is the norm and has been for a long time. For others, it is a new idea so parents question the benefits and what they are letting themselves and their children in for!   Some parents don’t like the idea of…

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Is there much snow in Morzine?

  This year, this has been the hot topic of conversation so far with a warm start to the season across all of Europe. Following a cold and snowy late November, warmer temperatures and glorious sunny days meant that the snow didn’t stay in the town of Morzine itself and…

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December 29th, 2015

What is there to do in Morzine when there isn’t much snow?

Contrary to popular opinion, the French Alps only have snow for part of the year! This is during European winter months so generally December to April. Usually the snowfall starts in late November/early December and sometimes we receive a lot of snow in the early part of the season and…

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December 24th, 2015

Intensive French Course: the levels

So you want to take an Intensive French Course but you are worried about the level of the group. How do you know that the level will be right for you? What happens if you are placed in a class that isn’t the right level for you? These are common…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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