All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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September 17th, 2018


VOUS or TU ??   How embarrassing not to know which one to use ? Is there a rule, how do the French know which one to use ?   You are speaking to an adult : If the person is a family member = TU If the person is not a family member…

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September 3rd, 2018

Grammar for Dummies Nous vs On

Nous / On    What’s the difference bewteen « nous » and « on » ? Is there any ? NOUS = ON In reality in 90% of the cases, they both mean « we » in English. When speaking, the French tend to use less and less the « nous » form as it is always longer to pronounce. Give…

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August 25th, 2018

French Summer Camp: Changes for 2019!

  Our French Summer Camp in France has come to an end for Summer 2018 and we are already finalising our programme for 2019. We strive to improve our camp each year and we are already putting into place many changes based on the feedback we have received from our…

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August 21st, 2018

Autumn French Courses at Alpine French School

If you are interested in improving your French over the autumn interseason, then we have several options for you!  Weekly Lessons: 10 weeks – 1h30 per week – week of 10th September to week of 30th  November 2018 Here are the different times according to levels. Please let me know which level would suit you best…

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August 12th, 2018

French Summer Camp in France 2019

Our French Summer Camp in France 2019 has only just over a week left! We have been extremely lucky with the weather and in 5 weeks, we’ve only had one day of rain so our students have enjoyed beautiful sunshine every day for weeks on end :)   Our team…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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