All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Special Offers

French Courses this December and January

We all have heavy hearts about the decisions made by the French government this last week to keep resorts, bars and restaurants closed until January 2021.  The situation is complicated and we understand the decisions but these will have a huge impact on Morzine, the Alps and the ski industry.…

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November 19th, 2020

French Translation Services & General Assistance

Alpine French School offers a range of services to help you negotiate the French system…..with our bilingual team of experienced staff, we are the perfect choice to help you! Carte de Séjour Applications With Brexit looming, many people need to apply for a Carte de Séjour to be able to…

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Special Offers on November French Courses

Super Intensive French Courses If you have time in November, why not give your French a real boost before the winter season?  Speaking French may be more important than ever this winter with the likely increase in the number of French tourists!  Take a Super Intensive course and you’ll really…

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September 29th, 2020

Special Offers Autumn 2020

Zoom & Skype Lessons We are happy to offer Zoom or Skype lessons at a reduced rate of 45€ per lesson if you book a block of 10 x 1h lessons. While you may be able to find cheaper online lessons, we take great pride in the quality of our…

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January 29th, 2019

Translation and business services

  We recognise that setting up a business in France and navigating the French legal system brings all sorts of challenges, especially if French isn’t your first language. France is known for liking paperwork and for anyone struggling to understand the lingo, this can be very daunting. That’s where we…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.