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Category: News

October 31st, 2018

Folie Douce opening in Avoriaz

More exciting news for Morzine/ Avoriaz 2018/2019 Winter Ski Season… FOLIE DOUCE, Avoriaz is opening! Alpine French School are so happy to share with you that Folie Douce, the world renowned Après-Ski bar will be opening its doors (and its tables for dancing on) on 15th December 2018 in Avoriaz…

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October 24th, 2018


Winter Social Activity Programme 2018-9 French Intensive Course We are always striving for new and exciting ways to assist our students with their progress on learning French, and what better way than doing what the French do best?…….. cooking and eating great food, with fantastic local ingredients, tasting amazing French…

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October 13th, 2018

English Immersion Week in Morzine

Last week was a special week for the ‘Alpine English’ part of Alpine French School.  We were asked by one of the local schools to organise an English Immersion week for the whole primary school (3-11 years).  Honoured to be asked and happy to contribute to the local community, we…

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August 25th, 2018

French Summer Camp: Changes for 2019!

  Our French Summer Camp in France has come to an end for Summer 2018 and we are already finalising our programme for 2019. We strive to improve our camp each year and we are already putting into place many changes based on the feedback we have received from our…

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August 7th, 2018

Être cloué au lit

Quand on est trop malade et qu’on ne peut pas sortir de son lit. En anglais : To be bed-ridden

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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