Category: Grammar for Dummies

September 3rd, 2018

Grammar for Dummies Nous vs On

Nous / On    What’s the difference bewteen « nous » and « on » ? Is there any ? NOUS = ON In reality in 90% of the cases, they both mean « we » in English. When speaking, the French tend to use less and less the « nous » form as it is always longer to pronounce. Give…

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March 1st, 2018

Devoir and its many facets

The verb « devoir » = to must, to have The verb “devoir” is an irregular verb with various meanings. Je dois Tu dois Il/elle doit Nous devons Vous devez Ils/ells doivent   1st meaning : the notion of debt in the literal and figurative meanings : Combien est-ce que je vous…

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December 29th, 2017

Les pronoms réfléchis = pronominals (reflexives)

When the subject does something to itself (when the subject and the object of the verb are the same) you have reflexivity. The reflexive pronouns are used to denote this. Singular Plural 1st person me nous 2nd person te vous 3rd person se se NB : me, te, and se become m’ , t’ and s’ before vowels…

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December 1st, 2017

The impersonal verbs like “Il neige”

Impersonal verbs are very useful for your daily conversation ! The pronoun “il” is used when describing the weather and for time related expressions. “Il” here represents the state of things – the world or universe at that moment. Example : Il pleut Il neige. It’s raining It’s snowing. Il fait chaud. It…

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October 27th, 2017

“e”, “é” or “è” ?

In French, there are 3 different accents on « e ». It is important to know them as it changes the pronunciation of the word. The 3 accents: “é”: acute accent like : été (summer) “è”: grave accent like accès (access) “ê”: circumflex accent like tête (head), less used So how to know…

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