All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Tips to help you improve your focus when doing an intensive french course

If you’ve decided to sign up to one of our intensive french courses this spring and summer and are hoping it’ll make a real difference to your french then we’re sure you won’t be disappointed. We have courses running throughout June, July and August and we’re confident that by the end of a course with us you’ll feel much more confident in both your understanding and speaking of the language. However you can really help yourself when it comes to improving your learning. We’ll provide the enthusiastic teachers and the bright and airy classrooms, (which are ideal for learning) but if you try to follow our simple tips below as well, then you’ll really improve your concentration and focus to make the courses as effective as possible.


Most of our french intensive courses start at 9am in the morning so straight after breakfast. By eating a decent breakfast before you come, you’re really helping your brain to get ready to learn. Also, there’s nothing worse than feeling hungry half-way through a 3 hour class! If you think about the types of food you’re eating in the run up to your intensive french course you can also really help yourself out when it comes to retaining information. Superfoods like nuts and blueberries are great for the brain, along with fatty fishes. Salmon, trout and sardines contain omega-3 which is brilliant for improving learning and memory. Make sure you bring a snack with you to your lesson as well, just in case that off-putting hunger does creep in.


We all know how much a bit of caffeine can help keep you awake and alert. It’s not a bad idea to have a cup of tea or coffee before your french intensive course to get your brain working in the morning. We’ll also offer coffee breaks so you can grab yourself a drink mid way through your lesson, just to help perk you up a bit! Also, it’s important to drink water throughout class to help keep your mind and body focussed on the task in hand.

Fresh air

Make sure you get plenty of fresh air in the hours around your french intensive course. Your brain uses almost most a quarter of the oxygen that comes into your body so by allowing more to get into your body you’re really helping your brain to do its job. We’re in a fantastic location in the French Alps with miles and miles of beautiful countryside all around us. Make the most of your time here and enjoy a walk in the fresh air. You’ll notice a massive difference in your learning and your focus and your french course will be much more effective.

Block out distractions

Turn off that mobile phone! We know that people have lives outside the classroom but a text or a phone call in the middle of the class can be hugely distracting and can completely disrupt your learning flow. We suggest turning your phone off for the lesson so that there are no distractions as you try to navigate the complicated world of the french language.

Prepare your brain

Exercise, sleep and meditation are all amazing tools to help keep your brain in good working order. Make sure you get plenty of sleep around your french intensive course and also look into ways you can relax and calm down your thoughts. You’ll find that by preparing your brain to learn you’ll take in all of the brand new information more quickly and effectively. Don’t be afraid to treat yourself to a power nap as well, this can do your overworked brain cells the world of good.

Make sure you’re not too hot

Classrooms can be warm places especially as our next series of intensive french courses are taking place in the late spring and early summer months. Make sure you wear layers to your class so that if you start to get too warm you can take something off! There’s nothing worse than feeling too hot during a lesson, you’ll get sleepy and will most certainly struggle to concentrate. We do all we can to regulate the temperatures to make sure that the classes are at the optimum temperature for learning but it’s a good idea for you to come prepared too!

Don’t burn the candle!

If you’ve signed up for a week’s worth of intensive french lessons with us then it’s a good idea to keep the week relatively free of other activities. For instance, don’t go out on the town until 4am the night before a class that starts at 9am. Your poor brain won’t stand a chance. Similarly, try not to work to hard around your class times, your brain will be working overtime to process all the new information that comes with learning a language so you need to give it as much help as you can!

French Christmas Traditions

French Christmas Traditions Christmas festivities are very much in the heart of French culture. How we celebrate Christmas varies slightly, depending on the region and individual families. Anyhow, ‘Noël’ is most awaited by ‘les petits et les grands’ every year and probably most dreaded by parents because of the long…

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How to immerse yourself into French culture effectively?

How to immerse yourself into French culture effectively?   Immersing into the culture of a country is key to fully mastering the language. However, this can be difficult when not exposed to it on a daily basis. Here are some useful ways to fully immerse yourself into French culture to…

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The Best French Podcasts for Language Learners

  Learning a new language can be both exciting and challenging, but with the right resources, you can make the journey enjoyable and effective. For French language learners, podcasts are an excellent tool to enhance your listening skills, expand your vocabulary, and immerse yourself in the beauty of the language.…

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Your French Summer Holiday in Morzine – Bucket List!

Summer in the mountains is a completely different holiday experience to your normal all inclusive beach holiday, in fact, it’s better! Imagine – gorgeous views surrounding you, long days in the sun spent swimming in Alpine lakes or exploring the mountains on foot or bike, and finishing the day with…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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