All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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February 5th, 2015

Learn French and Triathlon

  Looking to learn French in France and train for a triathlon at the same time? Then Morzine is the perfect location! Home to many triathletes, Morzine boasts great sporting facilities and an outstanding natural environment for training in all 3 disciplines. Choose to swim in the beautiful 50m outdoor…

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February 5th, 2015

Learn French and Triathlon

  Looking to learn French in France and train for a triathlon at the same time? Then Morzine is the perfect location! Home to many triathletes, Morzine boasts great sporting facilities and an outstanding natural environment for training in all 3 disciplines. Choose to swim in the beautiful 50m outdoor…

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January 30th, 2015

Teenage French Summer Camp

  Are you looking for a way to entertain your teenage children during their summer holidays? Imagine if they could do something educational and improve their French while having a great time…..   Our French Teenage Summer Camp is the answer! With fun, interactive French lessons in the mornings and…

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January 30th, 2015

Teenage French Summer Camp

  Are you looking for a way to entertain your teenage children during their summer holidays? Imagine if they could do something educational and improve their French while having a great time…..   Our French Teenage Summer Camp is the answer! With fun, interactive French lessons in the mornings and…

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January 26th, 2015

Government training budgets for learning French “Formation Professionnelle”

  How do they work?   Businesses pay so many contributions and taxes in France and it is nice to be able to get something back in return! This government budget can be organised by Alpine French School (formerly Lost In Translation) and thus spent on French lessons with us.…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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