All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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August 7th, 2015

Teenage French Summer Camp – Diary of a French group.

Karen taught French to one of our Teenage French Summer Camp groups last week. Karen planned a theme for each day linking to a larger theme for the whole week. Everyday she revised what was learnt the day before so the children don’t forget! This week the theme was “Des…

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July 30th, 2015

What to talk about with your neighbour

Practicing your French in France with a genuine French person can be harder than it seems, so whether you live in France or you’re on holiday, follow our tips for small talk to help you get started.   If you are taking French lessons or you have done in the…

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July 25th, 2015

Junior Summer Camp – a snapshot of a week.

Our junior summer camps are currently in full swing in Morzine. Based at a local children’s holiday camp students can take part in the fun and interactive lessons in the morning from 9.00-12.30, with the option to take part in afternoon activities too. The afternoon activities include things like swimming at…

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June 18th, 2015

French Skype Lessons

Do you want to learn French but you can’t commit to regular lessons? Maybe you travel for work, or perhaps your working hours are erratic? Or maybe you just prefer to be flexible…. You have most likely heard of Michel Thomas, maybe you have tried Duolingo and some free online…

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June 2nd, 2015

Common French Mistakes

  So you are learning French and you want to avoid the common pitfalls and mistakes. Well read on for 6 basic French mistakes :   1. To Be The French equivalent of the English verb ‘to be’ is être. However, there are many expressions that use the verb avoir ‘to…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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