All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Thinking of taking a French course at the Alpine French School? Here is what your week will look like!

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January 17th, 2023

Thinking of taking a French course at the Alpine French School? Here is what your week will look like!

Did you book onto an intensive winter course at our school in Morzine? Well lucky you! During our lessons, we like to focus on conversation, which is complemented by those pesky grammar points and comprehension, but the ultimate goal is to get you to be able to communicate with French…

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January 6th, 2023

Beginner skiing in Morzine

If you have never skied before and are looking to spend a holiday, or perhaps a season in the french alps, you have a lot to think about. From what clothes you need, how many layers to put on, to equipment and overall fitness, the experience is definitely a new…

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December 6th, 2022

Local’s Recommendations For Winter in Morzine!

Planning a trip to Morzine this Winter? We decided to ask our members of staff at Alpine French School what they would recommend to a first time visitor to the area. As many of them have lived and worked in Morzine for years, they know the best spots to warm…

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November 3rd, 2022

Alpine French School au coeur de Morzine

Apprendre le français pendant ses vacances, c’est possible ! Avec Alpine french school, vous pouvez conjuguer l’utile à l’agréable. Tous les étés, dans le petit village de Morzine se réunit une irréductible équipe de professeurs pour enseigner le français à des anglophones. Précurseur, Morzine est, au début du XXᵉ siècle, un…

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October 27th, 2022

Halloween and La Toussaint

Joyeux Halloween! Halloween in France differs from the celebration we know in english-speaking countries. This however, does not mean you can’t have your fun if you celebrate the holiday. Traditionally on the 31st October, children and adults dress up to enjoy the celebrations, either at parties or trick-or-treating in the…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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