All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

January 26th, 2016

Intensive French Course: how much will I progress?

Everyone who is learning French or taking an Intensive French Course with us wants to progress and improve their French. A question we often get asked is “how much will I progress during a course with you?”. This is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string!…

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January 20th, 2016

What do children learn on a Summer Camp?

Many parents wonder about sending their children away on a Summer Camp, but they want to make sure that it’s going to be a positive experience and that their children are going to come away at the end of the camp having grown as a person and learnt from their…

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January 12th, 2016

The Best Summer Camps in France

So you’ve decided you’d like to attend a French summer camp – or maybe you’d like to send your child or children on a summer camp in France but you’re not sure where. Then read on….. There are many French summer camps in France, all offering different programmes so sometimes…

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January 10th, 2016

French Conversation Apéro

We are pleased to announce the start of our French Conversation Group with Free Apéro (drinks and nibbles)! Practice your French conversation & meet other students! Guided conversation in French with a dynamic native French teacher Learn everyday chit-chat and useful phrases Use of the French language in real-life situations…

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January 9th, 2016

French Summer Camp Activities

There are many different types of French Summer Camp on offer. There are many things that distinguish one French Summer Camp from another, but one of the main differences is the activities on offer. Children and teenagers have varying interests and it is important to try and select a Summer…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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