All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

Latest Posts

March 22nd, 2016

What is the difference between the types of accommodation you offer to combine with an Intensive French Course?

Maybe you are thinking of taking an Intensive French course with Alpine French School and you need to arrange accommodation for your stay. We offer Intensive French Courses combined with great adventure activities such as skiing, snowboarding, yoga, climbing, hiking, water-sports, mountain biking, paragliding and with all that activity, it’s…

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March 17th, 2016

Is it too late to take an Intensive French Course with Skiing ?

We’re in March and in many countries, this means the first signs of spring ! Maybe you have just found our website and are interested in one of our Learn French and Ski or Learn French and Snowboard courses but are worried that the season is over ? Our Intensive French Course…

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March 15th, 2016

10 ways to help your child learn a language

  1. Open their mind One of the main things that it is important to do is to open your child’s mind at as young an age as possible to other languages. It has been proven that children’s brains have a vastly superior ability to absorb languages than adults’ brains!…

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March 10th, 2016

BULATS Official Test Centre

Alpine French School is pleased to announce that we are now an official BULATS test centre accredited by the Cambridge Language Assessment Board and Alliance Française.   If you are looking to take a certification to validate your level of French or English for studies, employment or simply for your…

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March 8th, 2016

Use your CPF Training Budget with Alpine French School

In 2015, the French government made a sweeping change to their Training Budget System that affects everyone in France for the better! Previously, all French employees were able to benefit from a training budget called the DIF (Droit Individuel à la Formation). This meant that via their employer, they were…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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