All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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May 9th, 2016

Stop your child spending too much time in front of the screen this summer

In this modern day and age, limiting screen time for children and teenagers (and adults!) is a constant battle!  No-one has any concrete figures on what impact the increased screen time will have on our children as this is a new generation who are experiencing technology in a way that…

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May 5th, 2016

Why send your child to a Summer Camp in France?

Many parents are looking for interesting things for their children to do during their school holidays. They want them to do something educational yet for them to have fun at the same time; after all it is their holiday time so they need to feel like they have had a…

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May 3rd, 2016

Is it too late to book a French Summer School?

It is now May and spring is in the air! Many of us are finalising our plans for the summer holidays for ourselves and for our children. With 6+ weeks of summer holidays to fill for most children, many parents are looking for something fun and educational for their children…

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French Intensive course and Yoga

Do you fancy improving your French and practicing yoga in the beautiful French Alps at the same time? We are hosting a Learn French and Yoga course in the wonderful Alpine village of Morzine from 4th-11th June 2016….and for a short time, we have a special offer running if you…

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April 22nd, 2016

What is summer like in Morzine?

You might be thinking of where you could do a French course this summer and of course there is a lot of choice! So how to decide? There are a lot of language schools in France offering many different French courses. If you are a culture and city lover, or…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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