All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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October 31st, 2016

The place of technology in the French language classroom

  The world is becoming more and more technologically advanced every minute. We are miles ahead of where we were 20 years ago in our use of technology in every aspect of our life. Certainly it can be hugely useful, even essential for certain tasks. However there are some things…

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October 26th, 2016

Autumn Intensive French Courses & Seasonnaire Crash Course

Just to remind you that  if you wanted to book a place on one of our French intensive courses in November, space is becoming limited but we could look at creating more groups. It’s time to take advantage of an efficient boost to your french before the hectic season! :)…

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October 18th, 2016

Early Booking Special Offer: French Summer Camp

Autumn is well and truly here with nights drawing in, the days getting shorter and the sun losing its strength and getting lower in the sky. That familiar chill in the air can only mean that winter is on the way…. For some, this is a welcome change of season,…

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October 15th, 2016

How to help your child with their French GCSE: French Summer Camp

Do you look back at your childhood experience of language learning and with hindsight wish that you had paid more attention? So many of us adults talk with regret about studying French at school, I wish I’d tried harder, paid more attention, I wish I’d seen the point in studying…

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French Lessons in the French Alps

What better place to take a French course or French lessons than in the French Alps? Especially if you are a fan of the great outdoors, if you love skiing or snowboarding, mountain biking, climbing, hiking or road biking.   The French Alps is a truly outstanding region of France.…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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