All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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March 6th, 2017

French Training Budgets for Inter-season and Summer French Courses

Want to take a French Course in Inter-season or Summer using a Training Budget? Then now is the time to apply! Many people don’t realise that they qualifty for a training budget to cover the cost of their French courses and if they do, they don’t really understand how they…

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March 4th, 2017

What are the Option Plus activities in our French Summer Camp in France?

Have you been reading our website about our French Summer Camp in France and would like some explanation about how the afternoon activities work, then read on….   Our French Summer Camp in France offers French classes in the mornings and activities in the afternoons. From 14h, students get to…

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March 3rd, 2017

Avoir envie de

Désirer quelque chose, souhaiter quelque chose ou faire quelque chose. En anglais = to feel like, to fancy

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March 2nd, 2017

Easter French Camp: French GCSE tuition and French A-level tuition

Are your children taking their GCSE or A-level this year? If so, the examinations aren’t too far away now and maybe you are considering some extra French GCSE tuition or extra French A-level tuition…… With only 2 half-terms left until the exam, the Easter holidays become a perfect time for…

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February 25th, 2017

Grammar for Dummies: Can

1) CAN : la structure   French people use the verb « pouvoir » in the present tense to express the idea behind « CAN ».   In a positive sentence Je peux courir 10km Tu peux parler espagnol Il/elle/on peut faire la cuisine Nous pouvons comprendre le chinois Vous pouvez courir 10km Ils/elles peuvent…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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