All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.

Alpine French School Blog

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July 11th, 2014

Top 5 French Learning Resources

  Top 5 French Learning Resources: You will agree that learning a foreign language is far from being an easy task! You find yourself motivated to make real efforts to learn and work on your French and for that, the first step you need to make is to find resources…

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June 17th, 2014

Learn French – Special Offers on Summer French Courses

Book 2 places on our Summer 2014 Courses and get 10% off the 2nd place!   Alpine French School runs 10-week French summer courses starting 30th June.  Our French course consists of a 1.5-hour lesson each week focussing on conversational skills.  Suited best to those looking to learn French who…

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June 17th, 2014

Learn French – Special Offers on Summer French Courses

Book 2 places on our Summer 2014 Courses and get 10% off the 2nd place!   Alpine French School runs 10-week French summer courses starting 30th June.  Our French course consists of a 1.5-hour lesson each week focussing on conversational skills.  Suited best to those looking to learn French who…

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May 26th, 2014

French Intensive Courses June 2014

French Intensive Courses 9th – 27th June 2014.  All levels available.  Do just one week or several weeks depending on how much time you have available!  See here for more information. All of our courses focus on speaking and listening skills to really get you using the language.  The courses…

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May 26th, 2014

French Intensive Courses June 2014

French Intensive Courses 9th – 27th June 2014.  All levels available.  Do just one week or several weeks depending on how much time you have available!  See here for more information. All of our courses focus on speaking and listening skills to really get you using the language.  The courses…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.