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Grammar for Dummies: Could


Why is this word so confusing in French ?

The reason is quite simple, the French mainly have two ways of expressing it while in Engish there is only one way (= could).


  • Sometimes when using « could » we refer to an action in the past.


Ex : When I was young, I could

Here we refer to something we could do, were able to do, were allowed to do


  • Sometimes we refer to an action in the futur.

Ex : Tomorrow I could

Here refer to what we consider could happen (futur)


To express « Could » in the past tense, French people use the « imparfait » version of the verb « pouvoir ». While to express « could » in the futur tense, they use the « conditionnel » version of the verb « pouvoir ».


Ils/elles pouvaient

COULD (passé)
COULD (notion de futur)
Je pouvais + (any infinitive verb)

courir 10 km

parler espagnol

faire la cuisine

comprendre le chinois

Je pourrais

Tu pourrais

Il/elle pourrait

Nous pourrions

Vous pourriez

Ils/elles pourraient

+ (any infinitive verb)


parler espagnol

faire la cuisine

comprendre le chinois

Tu pouvais
Il/elle/on pouvait
Nous pouvions
Vous pouviez

Quand j’étais petit je

pouvais sortir le soir

jusqu’à 18h.

Quand on était en

vacances, on pouvait

se coucher

après 23h.  

(an authorisation)

Quand il était jeune,

il pouvait jouer

de la guitare.

(à capacity of doing






On pourrait aller au cinéma ce week end.

(à a suggestion)


Je pourrais acheter un grand chalet si j’étais millionnaire.

(à world of fantasy)


The structure is EXACTLY the same as with « CAN » so :

  • we need to verbs
  • the first verb gets changed
  • the first verb gets the negation (if needed)
  • the second verb is not changed (infinitive)


à In a negative sentence :


COULD (passé)


COULD (futur)


Je ne pouvais pas jouer dehors

On ne pouvait pas regarder la télé


Je ne pourrais pas acheter de chalet

Elle ne pourrait plus dormir


Les Salutations: Greetings in French

If you’re venturing into the world of the French language, one of the first things you’ll want to learn is how to greet people. Greetings are essential in any language; they set the tone for interactions and help you make a good first impression. In this blog, we’ll explore greetings,…

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Christmas in France – What to expect

Just like everywhere else in the world, Father Christmas (known as Père Noël or Papa Noël in France) brings gifts to children who have been well-behaved on Christmas Day. The sapin de Noël (Christmas tree) is the main decoration in homes, streets, shops, and offices. On le Réveillon (Christmas Eve),…

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Vous or Tu : Which one do I use?!

The subject pronouns Tu and Vous can be quite confusing for English speakers when they are first learning French, considering we only have one subject pronoun to mean you in English. However, once you get your head around how to use it, you will see it’s not as difficult as…

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PRONUNCIATION   There is nothing worse than knowing the right word but once you pronounce it, people don’t understand you !! So let’s have a look at a few pronunciation rules. Once you know how to pronounce the word, your brain identifies it very rapidly when it hears it, so by…

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