All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Things to do


SEASONNAIRE CRASH COURSE This French Course is especially designed for seasonnaires coming to spend the winter season in Morzine.  If you’re a seasonnaire and worry about your French this season, then this course will give you the basics that you need to get by.  If you enjoy the course, we run…

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January 6th, 2017

Skiing in Morzine

If you are thinking of coming to see us in Morzine for one of our French and Ski or French and Snowboard courses, then you might want to know more about the skiing in Morzine. If so, then read on….   Morzine is part of one of the largest ski…

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December 11th, 2016

Morzine-Avoriaz Opening Weekend          

  Are you thinking about booking a ski/snowboard holiday to the French Alps? Are you keenly watching the snowfall, the snow forecast and the webcams to see what the snow is like? In the past, we used to book a ski holiday and have no way of checking if there…

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December 6th, 2016

Open Day!

Alpine French School are having an Open Day Thursday 15th December 9am – 6pm Come and discover our French Courses and find the perfect course for you and your budget.  Our courses start from 10€ per hour and we have lots of different courses running mornings, afternoons and evenings on…

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French Lessons in the French Alps

What better place to take a French course or French lessons than in the French Alps? Especially if you are a fan of the great outdoors, if you love skiing or snowboarding, mountain biking, climbing, hiking or road biking.   The French Alps is a truly outstanding region of France.…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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