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Category: News

March 2nd, 2016

5 Facts you did not Know about Living in France

France is a country that has prospered on the insistence every person’s liberty. For centuries it was ruled by monarchs. In 1789, after the Declaration of the Rights of Man, the constitution transformed the governance and politics into an institution “by the people and for the people”. The country is…

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February 26th, 2016

Boris Moretti (aka Justin Case)

Boris joined our teaching team this winter.  He’s from the South of France and fancied a change, so decided to try doing a ski season in Morzine!  He is a hit with the students and a great addition to the school!  One of his students made him a video which…

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February 23rd, 2016

How to get to Morzine

How to get to Morzine… So you are thinking of visiting Morzine but you aren’t sure where Morzine is located or the best way to get here? Read on for more information….. Morzine is located in Eastern France, near the Swiss and Italian borders. It is 1 hour from Geneva,…

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Is there much snow in Morzine?

  This year, this has been the hot topic of conversation so far with a warm start to the season across all of Europe. Following a cold and snowy late November, warmer temperatures and glorious sunny days meant that the snow didn’t stay in the town of Morzine itself and…

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November 25th, 2015


  MORZINE LAUNCHES THE FIRST WINTER START FESTIVAL Morzine launches a new festive and promotional event. On the 5th & 6th December, all the necessary goods for winter preparation will be presented in one place (homeware, personal goods, decoration, and everything for the end-of-year celebrations…) This fair, created by the…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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