All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Juniors

January 21st, 2019

French Summer Camp in France: the activities 2019 6-10 years

We tailor the activities at our summer camps to suit all ages so we have a schedule of amazing extra curricular things for the younger children to do as well as the teenagers. This means that as well as learning a language at our French Summer Camp, the children also…

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January 19th, 2019

French Summer Camp in France: the activities 2019 11-17 years

Mention a French Summer Camp to your child and you might get a roll of the eyes, a groan and the word boring might even crop up. We understand that spending time learning French during the school holidays might not be top of your teenagers agenda, however this is no…

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January 15th, 2019

5 reasons to send your child to French Summer Camp

  The summer holidays always seem to pass us by in the blink of an eye. Six weeks full of sunny days, and fantastic family holidays seem to fly by. So this year, why not make the summer holidays stand out from the rest and try something a little different?…

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November 13th, 2018

Alpine French School French Summer Camp

SAVE THE DATE! I know! We haven’t even got through Winter yet and here we are writing about our Summer Camp. However… if Alpine French School Summer Camp 2019 is anything like last year, don’t delay in making your enquiry or even reservation. Alpine French School Summer Camp is open…

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November 8th, 2018

Junior French Intensive Course

  I have just had the pleasure of meeting Georgie a 10 year old student at Alpine French School. Today, (Friday 2nd Nov) is the last day of his course at the Alpine French School. He has been on a French Intensive week’s course with one of our teachers Céline.…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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