All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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April 8th, 2017

French Summer Camp: book now!

  2017 is off to a good start and the months are speeding by!  It is already the Easter holidays and this means that people’s thoughts are turning to the summer and their holidays.  Most children and teenagers have 6-10 weeks holiday or even more!  They need a break from…

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April 7th, 2017

Grammar for Dummies SHOULD

  How do we translate « should » into French ? How does the structure work ?   How do we translate « should » into French ? French people use the verb « devoir » to express « should ». Attention, « devoir » when used in the present tense means « must » or « have to ». But if we change the tense of…

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March 30th, 2017

Mini French Intensive Courses

  On the following dates, we will be running mini French Intensive Courses. The perfect way to give your French a boost in just one week but to also have time for work, play and life in general.  Classes will be run in the mornings from 9h-10h30 when the children…

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March 28th, 2017

Recruiting: Business English Teachers

Alpine French School and are looking to recruit Business English Teachers in the Morzine area. is the branch of Alpine French School that offers Professional English training to businesses in the area and throughout France. With offices all over France, is one of the largest Business English…

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March 24th, 2017

Grammar for dummies : EN

When do we use the preposition « en » ? This preposition seems to be used a lot but when is it correct and when it isn’t ?! « En » is in front of the following :   A date : Ex : Je suis arrivée à Morzine en 2003.         Elle est née en 1956.        Henri…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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