All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Alpine French School Blog

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September 22nd, 2017

To and From + country

Je vais en France OU au France ???? Je viens de France OU du France ????? How to know which sentence is correct? Before explaning this French rule, note that: To go to + country = aller + “au “OU “en” + pays To come from + country = venir + « de»…

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September 11th, 2017

French GCSE and A-level Preparation Courses 2017-8

  Alpine French School runs French GCSE and French A-level preparation courses in all of the school holidays!  A perfect way to combine a family holiday with some extra work on your children’s French before their 2018 exams. Choose from private or group tuition. Intensive tuition specific to students’ exam…

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September 7th, 2017

New Activity Programmes for our French Summer Camp 2018

Our French Summer Camp 2017 has only just finished but we have already been busy planning our Summer Camp for 2018!  We like to listen to the feedback from students and their parents to improve aspects of our Summer Camp each year. Some of our Activity Programmes have proven to…

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September 4th, 2017

New French Intensive Courses for Winter 2017-8

  We like asking feedback from our students and taking on board their comments to improve our school and the French Courses that Alpine French School offers.   We have been working on our Winter French Intensive Courses recently and how to improve the timetabling of these for everyone who…

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August 25th, 2017

Autumn Weekly Group French Courses

Bonjour, We are pleased to inform you of our Winter times for our weekly groups!   10 weeks – 1h30 per week – week of 11th September to week of 1st December 2017 Here are the different times according to levels. Please let me know which level would suit you best and don’t hesitate to inform…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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