All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.

New this year! Alpine French School welcomes you, children & parents, during all school holidays!

Why not visit Morzine during the next half-term holiday and enjoy learning French as well as enjoying the great mountain activities that Morzine has to offer!


New, this year (2021 – 2022), we offer family French day camps in the school holidays : October half-term, Christmas & New Year, February half-term and Easter. Travel differently with your children and enjoy the perfect mix of shared experiences, enjoying activities in the mountains and learning the language of Molière !


Our Junior October half-term Camp will be running from 25th October to Friday 29th October 2021A great way for children and teenagers, aged 5 to 17, to enjoy something educational and great fun during their break from school! Our adult courses will run at the same time as the junior courses.

Prices (per week):


• Mornings: 15 hours of fun educational lessons: 320€

• Full Days with Adventure PLUS (10-17 yr olds): 9h00-17h30 including morning lessons and afternoon Adventure PLUS activities: 615€

• Full Days with Adventure (6-10 yr olds): 9h-17h30 including morning lessons and afternoon Adventure activities: 505€

• Optional Private French Tuition (3 x 45 minute lessons): 140€



• Adult French Intensive Courses (15 hours of group tuition): 300€

• Adult French Super Intensive Courses (15 hours of group tuition + 5 x 1h private lessons): 580€



• Family accommodation from 500€

• 2 bedroom apartment 900€

. Budget accommodation from 350€

You can also read more about our Autumn Day Camp option on this page of our website: Alpine French School Family Camp, or watch our video here: Family French Camp

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

Vous recherchez des Cours d'Anglais? Cliquez-ici.