All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Cultural Activities and French skills workshops – Activités Culturelles & Ateliers linguistiques


Activités Culturelles – Cultural Activities


Lundi Apéro Zéro EurosFree Apéritif & French Alpine French School 17h30-19h00 5€*
Mardi Soirée CinéFrench Film Night Alpine French School 18h30-20h00 5€*
Mercredi Après-Ski Conversation Alpine French School 17h30-19h00 5€*
Jeudi Pub Après-Ski RV: Alpine French School 18h30-20h00 5€ *+ consos au bar5€* + drinks at bar
Vendredi Dégustation de VinWine Tasting La Chaudanne 17h30-19h30 25€** (vin & grignottage compris)25€** (wine & nibbles included)

*Free for students taking a Super Intensive Course **20€ for students taking a Super Intensive Course


**Jeudi 8 janvier – dès 18h – Soirée Vernissage à Alpine French School

**Thursday 8 janvier – dès 18h – Opening Party at Alpine French School


Ski/Snowboard Rendez-Vous


Rejoignez d’autres étudiants pour aller skier ensemble


9h00 à Alpine French School (tous les jours)


Ateliers linguisitiques – French Skills Workshops


Lundi VocabulaireVocabulary -Apprendre du vocabulaire pour vous aider dans des situations où les mots vous manquent!-Learn vocabulary that will help you in situations when you can’t find the words to express what you want to say! 11h00-11h45
Mardi PrononciationPronunciation -Apprendre à prononcer les voyelles et consonnes + les liaisons correctement pour que les autres vous comprennent quand vous parlez français.-Learn to pronounce vowels and consonants correctly and learn about liaisons. You will soon find that others understand you better when you speak French. 11h00-11h45
Mercredi Compréhension OraleListening -Comprendre quand on vous parle: pratiquez avec des exercices, jeux, sketchs, films, radio…-Work on your understanding of spoken French: practice with exercises, games, sketches, films, trailers, radio… 11h00-11h45
Jeudi Expression OraleSpeaking Skills -Conversation pour des situations réelles/conversation autour d’un thème. Apprenez à exprimer vos idées, communiquer sur des sujets divers et utiliser des structures appropriées.-Specific conversation for specific situations/conversation with a topic. Learn to express ideas, communicate about different topics and force yourself to use appropriate structures. 11h00-11h45
Vendredi ConversationConversation -Prendre l’habitude de discuter en français, comme vous feriez avec vos amis et vos voisins….parlez de tout et de rien.-This is a great way to get used to having a chat, just like you would do with friends and neighbours in your own language, talking about yourself or any topic that naturally comes up in conversation. 11h00-11h45


15€ per workshop or buy a 10-session card valid for 1-year for 120€

  • February 13th, 2025

💘 Valentine’s Day in Chamonix 💘

Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, and if you’re still thinking about what to get that special someone or where to celebrate in Chamonix, don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift, planning a romantic dinner, or simply want to add a little extra charm to…

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Chamonix Alumni Newsletter January 2025

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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