All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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Category: Activities

April 22nd, 2016

What is summer like in Morzine?

You might be thinking of where you could do a French course this summer and of course there is a lot of choice! So how to decide? There are a lot of language schools in France offering many different French courses. If you are a culture and city lover, or…

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Ski and French Courses

Have you ever thought about combining your passion for skiing with your interest in the French language? Students come from all over the world during the winter season for our Ski and French Courses. They ski in the mornings and then learn French in the afternoons! And at weekends they…

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January 10th, 2016

French Conversation Apéro

We are pleased to announce the start of our French Conversation Group with Free Apéro (drinks and nibbles)! Practice your French conversation & meet other students! Guided conversation in French with a dynamic native French teacher Learn everyday chit-chat and useful phrases Use of the French language in real-life situations…

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Is there much snow in Morzine?

  This year, this has been the hot topic of conversation so far with a warm start to the season across all of Europe. Following a cold and snowy late November, warmer temperatures and glorious sunny days meant that the snow didn’t stay in the town of Morzine itself and…

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What’s it like to take a French Intensive Course during the ski season?

If it is the winter (December – April) and you are looking at taking a French Intensive Course, then taking a French Intensive Course in a ski resort is a great idea and one that it growing in popularity! Traditionally, summer was the busiest time for people to come to France…

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All courses available either in person or via Zoom or Teams.  Please contact us for more information

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